other guided meditationS
Visions Of Life as a tranny whore?
So real you’ll taste the cum, sweet heart…
Not Like Her loop – $20 makes ya “hate” her for being in your way, makes ya acknowledge you’re a slut & more…
Leave Her loop – $20 Makes you take action & leave your wife to be my tranny cunt. Cool huh?
You Are A Pretty Little Girl loop – $20 You really are… Just let it loop sweet thing, you’ll see…
Smoke Like A Girl loop – $20. Makes ya study chicks and learn & crave smoking like a bitch…
This is an “induction…” for $4.20 – you listen to it to trance you.
By itself, its just a relaxing piece to calm your mind… Neat eh?
Then you’d add this as example – a nice long piece about you as a tranny
where you see everything “like… real…” its called John & Buck & its $20..
Or here, another called New Client Dave – More tranny fun, where you see
the real life you want as a tranny whore… $20.
Here we have Arne & Andy coming to visit you in your pretty tranny apartment, cunt… $20.
Mr Greene has a rather large cock, and he’s a sharp dresser too, hole. Treat him right, eh? $20
Here is a slight variation using same style of hypno… “Caught At Home” where you get busted dressing up in your old house… $20.
So again, to be clear – Listen to an induction, mine or other, trance down and then play one of the fantasy pieces. Note: More of this style coming since they work ya over and make you cum so god damn HARD…
$10 relationship ruining training file – Bobbi The cuckold Tranny Slut – I’m making Bobbi ruin her relationship with her wife as a pre training example. Shes going to let this file fall into her straight wife’s hands… Listen, and enjoy learning what I’m doing to bobbi’s mind…
Loops to pervert…
Just Listen… A sweet set where all you need to do is…
Just Listen
Just Listen Base File – 10 min trancer for ya.. Wear headphones or buds. $4.20
Need To Think Of Dick – $13 Just to get hard…
Back Alley Cruiser – $13 Being an Alley Cruiser? You?
More coming…
Some Dirty Fun for You
Focus is built to pervert. Let it loop as you go about your day, and wear headphones or earbuds.
Focus – Base File – $6.66 This is the main file, one of 2. It opens the mind and helps you to focus and to relax,
Focus – The Truth – $6.66 This is the 2nd setup file. Use these two plus any of the fetish files to build a nice playlist.
Focus – Cocksucker – $13 – You and I know you are… Buy this, and let it loop…
Focus – Her Ass – $13 – Into ass play? You will be. Let it loop over and over…
Focus – Her Sissy Slut – $13 You in skirts, serving your Goddess? Yes… All you need to do is Focus…
Focus – His Feet – $13. Something so dirty about making your needs and your fetish worse, eh? Focus.. On his feet.
Focus – Man On Man Sex – $13. Just let it loop pervert…
Focus – Sissy Thoughts 01 – $13 – Pretty little priss, lets make you need…
Focus – Sissy Thoughts 02 $13. Dirty little thing, I do enjoy fucking you up…
Using the power of the ipod and brainwashing, reconditioning and more, I have some fun… I enjoy “reprogramming” you to forever carry the wounds of yet more dirty perversions…
Use Headphones or Ear Buds… Since I do some real tricky mind control bits in here…
NEW Series – 1st of many
The Jerker Series — Listen as you go about your day. Working out or walking, there at work, maybe while you shop. Enjoy the sounds of my voice making you worse, taking your fetishes to the next level. Cool, huh?
Cuckold Needs $13 – You’re a cuckold. You know it. So do I. Buy this and let it loop. Wear phones or buds, and just listen over and over. Its going to help. Honest.
Down Low Cocksucker For Thug Mother Fuckers $13 – Enjoy being made to long for a nice hard black cock tossing off in your mouth, and enjoy me planting the idea of how we’re going to make it happen in your mind. heh. You’ll be jerking off to the idea for a bit… Until, that is, you start taking action and doing as you’ve been instructed. Wear phones or buds and let it loop forever… clear?
Love To Dress $13 – Find your inner girly girl, sweet thing. Let this loop for hours and hours, as I fill your mind with thoughts of being the slutty little thing you and I know you are. Wear phones or buds, and let it play all the fucking time, doll. heh. Good fun, I promise.
Lust For Cock $13 – Just let it loop as you do your thing, and see for yourself what makes hypno and brain washing so fun. you’ll see ’em, want ’em and need them too. Cool huh? Pervert. Wear headphones or buds and listen for hour upon hour, day upon day.
Workout Fag $13 – Find yourself thinking about rubbing his jock on your cock, about rimming him, taking his cum on your chest, find yourself aching and needy as you work out. Just let it loop in the background as you go about your workout, savoring all of the sounds of my voice.
Submissive Homosexual Thoughts loop… $13. Let it loop my homie, as we drive you to being who and what you are, a submissive homosexual. A highly sexual submissive homosexual, something to be used… nothing more.
Bored By Women – $20 Savor being rewired as we take all of your sexual interest in women… Making you need m/m and jerking off and unable to do anything sexual with women… forever. Put it on and let it loop, homie…
Cuckold Longings loop… $13. Find your needs growing and your desire taking you… Listen to this in the background, and be who and what you are… A cuckold… Forever… Another fun bit… listen a few times and cum, or listen a lot and be forever warped…
Weightroom Foot Slave Fag loop. $20. So you listen for a few days… Then you go work out and see what happens. Its pretty funny and a whole lot of fun. Give me 20 hrs of listening time in the background, and then have more fun “working out” than you thought you ever could…
Cock Addict loop – $13 Cheap dirty fun… Let it loop for hrs. Like 20 or more. See what happens as I pour dirty needs into your mind. Hmm…..
Cash Slave loop… $13. You & I know you’re sick. I’m going to make it worse and I’m going to take it all without so much as a blink. Buy this, listen to it loop and do as it says.
ToiletBoi for Women loop $20 – A dirty loop that sets you to seeking your mate toiletboi… Nice eh? Savor all of it as you suck her very ass clean, you sewer mouth fuck…
Why? Why you smoke for me… $13. You wanrt to know, and this will help you understand why I enjoy this so much, and why you enjoy doing it for me as well…
Smoke, Stroke and Click loop $20 – Dirty eh? Taking action to be an addict for me? doing it for the kink and the fun? Smoking every single time you jerk, forcing self to rewire and to recondition so that your addiction to nic. is made stronger and sexual? hot. Let it loop. 100 times or more… then report back for your next bit, cunt.
Every Cig Is A Cock loop $13. A dirty loop for oral slaves. Makes ya want to suck a cigarette like a cock and show all the men just how sexy and slutty you are with that mouth of yours… Nice eh?
Smoke Since I say so… $20. You’re going to and you’re going to send me pics as ya do… We’re making you into a cig. addicted loser cunt… and you’re doing it to please ME. Pervy, eh?
Dirty Little Fag Slut – $20 – Let it loop as it makes you more and more of what you are…
Leave Him – $?? This is an exploit by me. i.e. When you buy this you’ll see my real power to work you over…
As example – Toilet POV loop. You loop it like… 200 times, just listening as you go about your day… It helps you to see people as they use the toilet, giving you the gift of toilet pov vision… Neat huh? You can stand outside a public restroom, watch the women or men going in, and you’ll “see” what is going on there. heh. Pervert. Its $20 and you loop it forever…
Muscle Dummy makes you want to work out and have sex with men… Again, just let it loop… Days… Weeks. You’ll see… $20.
Hairy Old Man Love sets you to seeking a hairy old guy to be with. A lot. heh. $20. Loop it.. Forever, more or less…
Cock Sucker helps you to see and know your place… Kneeling before better men, licking their prick’s, and being a mouth for their cum… $20. Loop for “long long time…”
Black Cock Tranny reminds you that you’re only to fuck black… Period. You’ll like the way this turns you to a house slut for the brothers, I know ya will… $20.
Whore For The Voice??? Yep. $20 and sets ya to longing to sell your ass and mouth for my gain. Neat, eh? Loop it, and wear your ear buds…
Humiliating Stinky Feet Loop… Makes you long to lick dirty feet, and sets you to need to tell people about it, cool huh? Being turned into a deviant by ME… Un able to stop yourself?? tasty… and $20.
Prego Wife Loop – $20. Makes ya long to see her loaded with cum, carrying the seed of another… Perfect, don’t ya think…
>> Just $10 The Enhancer just makes it all “worse…” Buy it, you’ll love it…<<
Tranny Desire Loop – Take your want to be a tranny to the next level, cunt. Take action… $20.. let it loop.
Cigars Sex and Men – A loop that sets you to needing a cigar daddy in your life. Slick, huh? $20.
Public Restroom Jerk Off – $20. Find yourself needing to jerk in public bathrooms… neat, right?
Turned Out Rimmer… $20. You’re going to need to lick and suck ass. Ideal for you, eh?
You Are A Sissy – $20… You know it, and so do I…
A Woman’s Way – $20. Find yourself acting more and more womanly all the time, cunt…
Thoughts Of Man Sex – loop for work… $20 Listen as the day runs, thinking of sex with men, you hole…
Limp Passive Bottom – $4.20… A perfect place for you, limp and taking cock inside you…
Crotch Watcher – $4.20 – stare at dick all day, pervert…
Secretly Gay.. $20… This is a lovely bit that will fuck you long term…
Happy MF – Mouth. $4.20. Be happy doing what you do, loser.
She Smokes – $4.20 fall to your smoking fetish, pervert. Fall far…
Classic Full Sessions…
So not looping files, rather beginning, middle end type stuff that is more traditional in form, and rather effective as well…
Full Service Slave for The Voice… Make you follow me into the head and serve like the loser you are… $20.
Cock on the DL – Another nice whole piece… Thats sets you to trolling for troll cock on the Down Low, chasing what you need… and its only $20…
>> Just $10?? Yes… Hot for Cock classic is just $10. Buy it and see what happens after a few listens… <<
files that make you dream filthy dreams? oh yes…
Use headphones or buds..
Barry – $9.99 Just let it loop as you rest, and enjoy getting busy with Barry…
Dave – $9.99 He just needs to use you some, that is all…
Don – $9.99… Hes a loser looking for some kink… so enjoy, pervert…
Brandon.. $9.99… straight cock turns you on, I bet…
Daddies Gurl – Pops wishes you were a lass… $29.99
Dreams Happy Slut – Be made into a cunt and serve in my name – $29.99
Being Toilet Paper. Your place and your role are clear… pig. $29.99
The file that started it all…
For $6.66… Old Man Cock Suck. Makes ya need to eat old man dick. Enjoy…
Have an itch you need The Voice to scratch? Click the button and if you're lucky, I might just oblige.
Be forewarned, you might get more than you bargained for...
new and featured
Slow Trancer
This is the first file you'll put in your playlist. It settles the mind and puts you to a restful state.
Wear headphones or ear buds.
For use with Slow. You like to dress. I like to undress you and fuck you, cunt.
I love cumming inside you, just so you know. Sort of my way of showing you I care...
Fucked Like a Girl
$6.66 Make you get on your back for me, cunt, and fuck you while I look at you babydoll...
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